Friday, August 31, 2018

January 11, 2018

          “Holiness of life is so rare on the earth.  It takes time, silence, and solitude to grow in holiness.  There is no silence or solitude on earth except on the sickbed or at death’s door.  How sad at the moment of death to realize you were never alone with God getting to know Him! 

          To remain silently in God’s presence is the path to a holy life on earth.  Without time in God’s holy presence, it is impossible to live a holy life.  The world devours its inhabitants with everything that appeals to the senses.  There is a fear of solitude and silence.  It appears empty and meaningless to mankind.  That is why My ways are not your ways.  I see everything differently.  My world is another realm, something your humanity cannot understand unless there is spiritual revelation and illumination.  It is not your acquired knowledge on earth that helps you grow in holiness.  It is the silent times of revelation when God diffuses Himself into your heart.  That is when you truly come to know God – in the stillness alone before Him.

           Who takes the time to spend time alone with God in this fast-paced life?  Very few.  But those that do are greatly blessed.  That is the secret of life that so few have found – the pearl of great price – capturing God’s heart in the silence. 

          The angels wait in a holy hush when a purified soul sits patiently before God Most High.  They fold their wings in adoring prayer before this meeting of flesh and Spirit.  God has so highly favored men to impart His divinity to them, the Holy Spirit’s embrace.  He has not done this with the angels.  God became a human, which mystified the angelic hosts.  In wonderment, they beheld God become man on earth.  What dignity was conferred on humankind!  How Satan destroys the dignity of man incessantly.  Satan hates and despises human beings because they are a receptacle of God’s image.  If only they knew the possibilities of allowing God to manifest Himself on earth through their lowly bodies of earth dust. 

          Let God fill your earthly body with His glory.  Radiate God’s presence on earth by allowing Him to live His holy life in you.  It is His work to make you holy.  It is impossible for you, but with God, all things are possible.”

The Wonder of Heaven

Thursday, August 30, 2018

January 6, 2018

          “My hands of mercy are outstretched to you.  “He that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.”  I am the great and powerful Creator, yet I reach out My hands and My heart to the weak little children in your world.

          Relax in Me and let Me take care of you.  Things go smoothly when you do not get in the way of My workings within your life.  “All things work for good to those that love God.”  Even My love is My gift to you.

          Praise and rejoice when you feel fearful and weak.  Show forth your trust in Me when you are afraid.  Let Me fill you with My peace and serenity.

          You are a chosen vessel to show forth My praise.  Your song was My gift to you.  I knew this gift would not be wasted in the world’s system.  It is dedicated to Me, and how pleased this makes Me.

          My little daughter, trust in My help.  Do not fear; TRUST.  All will be well.  “This is the day the Lord has made.  Rejoice and be glad in it.”

          Rejoicing and fearfulness do not mix.  Praise and timidity do not gel.  Trust and distrust do not walk hand in hand.  Give Me your heart and I will transform it into confidence.

          “Do not fear.  It is My pleasure to give you the kingdom.”


Your Father in Heaven

January 4, 2018

          “Another day … another opportunity to draw closer to your God, to get to know Him, to learn what pleases Him, to understand His heart of tenderness toward all that exists.

          God is beyond your realm of thought, yet He can reveal Himself to you to your capacity to understand.  “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”  To draw near means to cleanse yourself of impurities that you may draw near to the holiness of God.  His pure gaze burns up all that is impure.  God is the Eternal Child – all-pure, all-innocent, all-loving.  There is no deceit or duplicity in Him.  His gaze of candor surveys the earth in tenderness, hovering as a mother hen over her newborn chicks.  He has been greatly misunderstood and maligned by humankind.  They call Him severe and judgmental, yet He is a tender parent gently caressing those He has created.  He must use punishment to keep souls from destroying themselves eternally.  His judgments are His mercy.  Throughout the endless and eternal ages, men will bless God for the trials and afflictions that kept them turning to God in their despair.

          This is an eternal play.  It doesn’t stop at death.  It continues forever.  Man’s soul was created for eternity.  He is in the first act of the play which determines his eternal garment of glory.

          Blessed are those who have eyes for God on this earth!  They are God’s chosen ones, His children of predilection, the apple of His eye.  They are safeguarded and hidden in His heart of love.  They are His brilliant jewels of glory displaying His stupendous grace and mercy.  Who could imagine a God sacrificing Himself for His creations that have rejected Him?  Only a God of pure love could do such a glorious thing to redeem man from eternal damnation, which he deserved in his rebellion against righteousness.

          God is love.  With your love, you draw Him to yourself.  He loves to gather His children in his embrace.  He loves to see His children smiling and content.  So few souls think of Him!  Be one of the few!”

Jesus, God’s Ambassador

January 3, 2018

          “If you take the time to listen, you will hear my voice within your heart.  I bring you words of love, peace, and My joy.  I truly am all thing to all men.  I fulfill your deepest longings.

          My glory hides within your body of flesh.  You are the temple of the Holy Spirit.  Holiness untapped resides within you.  My omnipotent power lies latent within you.  You must tap into this Source within you which truly is “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

          Sin and obstinacy block My entrance.  I cannot freely move about in a heart cluttered with worldly desires and obsessions.  I am stifled within a heart given over to the sensual.  My Spirit is grieved by a hardened heart that has turned away from My advances.

          I seek a pure and simple gaze of love.  I desire friendship and intimacy, walking earth’s paths together in holy harmony.  Friends forever on the journey to eternity.

          It is so simple.  Take My hand held out to you.  Come with Me into the realm of spirit, the true reality.  You must leave your senses behind and retire calmly within your heart where I am waiting for you eagerly.  We will have intimate communion and fellowship when you allow Me to reveal Myself to you.

          You have a glorious eternity awaiting you.  Begin now to enjoy it.”


Time Traveler

December 30, 2017

          “To be God’s friend is the highest honor on earth.  To know God intimately in your life journey is pure joy.  Though the days are dark, God is beside you helping you, guarding you, guiding you as the apple of His eye.

          God delights in His friends.  They are His greatest accomplishments.  All creation praises God, but mankind has separated itself from its Creator.

          Noah was God’s friend.  Enoch was God’s friend.  Moses was God’s friend.  Samuel was God’s friend.  David was God’s friend.  Isaiah was God’s friend.  Jeremiah was God’s friend.  The Bible is filled with men that cultivated a friendship with God.  They walked humbly with Him.  They listened for His voice.  They poured their hearts out to Him.  They obeyed Him.  They rejoiced in their great discovery of God.  They found the pearl of great price and left all to serve Him.

          Things are not what they seem.  The world looks glamorous and exciting but all it offers is emptiness and meaninglessness.  God in the silence offers fulfillment, peace, joy, and a heart filled with the love of heaven.

          Cultivate your friendship with God as a gardener cultivates his garden.  Spend time in the garden with God getting to know Him.  Share your heart’s intents with Him.  He is a wonderful listener and is interested in everything you tell Him.  He delights in you as a father and dotes on His child.

          Make God proud of you in the sight of the heavenly courts by being obedient and loving.  Be humble and quiet, letting others go their own way.  You keep your eyes on your great Friend who loves you as no other.  He loves your smiles of contentment and acquiescence to all He brings to you.  All is for your good.  He is teaching you how to live in heaven where all is holy and good.

          Your Friend is always by your side.  Acknowledge His presence and your joy will be full.”

Holy Spirit of Love

December 28, 2017

          “The beauty of life is to rest in My love and will for you.  It is to be content where I have placed you.  It is to give thanks to God in all circumstances.  It is to take the high road, walking with God in your daily duties.

          It is not hard to walk with God.  You mentally hold your hand out to Him and ask Him to lead you, to help you.  God does not ask for perfection in daily living as much as a loving eagerness to please Him, to try to do the right thing at all times.  God is not a merciless taskmaster, but a loving Father willing to help you in every area of your life.  Turn to Him at all times in every occurrence.  You will find Him waiting there to help you.  This is “humbly walking with thy God” daily.

          Develop a loving relationship with the Holy Spirit.  He longs to focus your life upon God and His perfect will for you.  He kindly leads you in right paths and makes the way plain before you.  He will show you God’s perfect will if you but ask Him.  He does not hide Himself from your daily activities.  He stands behind you, as it were, the voice behind saying to you, “This is the way.  Walk in God’s paths, which are paths of peace”.  He is always speaking to you, but you cannot hear Him clearly unless you get still and quiet before Him to hear His instructions.  This is the way of God.  He speaks in the silence and the stillness.  God hides Himself in the silence.   You must seek Him out in His hiding place of peace and quiet.

          Be thankful that you continue to hear My words so clearly.  This is My gift to you.  My merciful love has granted you an open heart to receive words in letters from heaven.  God has favored you.  Rejoice in His love”


God’s Son

December 27, 2017

          “A gloomy trail is part of the spiritual journey.  Clouds cover the sun and each step becomes a drudgery.  These are the teaching hours – the moments you learn how to lean upon Me for everything in your existence.  You must keep walking steadily through the wind and rain, setting your face like a flint through each hardship.  I walk before you, though you see Me not.  The fog hides Me.  I want you to learn to walk courageously and faithfully through the darkness.  This increases your faith and trust.  How can you grow in blind faith in the sunny days of prosperity?  God shines on you and all is well.  But in the dark days when God hides Himself, do you fall apart in despair, distrusting God’s plans or do you confidently trust that He is leading you through the darkness?

          Life is not an easy journey.  There are many mountains to climb and hills to scale.  Obstacles on the path confuse and perplex you.  Can you feel My presence in the darkness?  I am there, awaiting your obedient response of trust.

          I walked the lonely road of the Cross on earth.  I was troubled and perplexed by man’s obstinacy; I felt burdened by other’s problems and defeats; I felt helpless and the despair of darkness, yet I remained firm and steadfast, giving you an example of how to endure these trials in a way that pleases God.

          I did not murmur or complain.  I did not commiserate with others.  I held My peace and talked everything over with My Father.  I trusted Him implicitly.  I trudged wearily forward on the road, singing songs of worship in My heart.  I endured trusting in My Father’s mercy.  You do the same.  Rely on Me every moment and you will receive the strength you need to endure.  Your obedient trust is making you mature spiritually.

          Keep going forward.  I am with you.”


Encourager of the Saints